personal gecko keeping
Welcome to the "personal progress" page. Here you will find info on my Geckos and progress with them, my news, and some things that people can do with their Geckos, such as - Genetic work,
- record keeping,
- organization of herp rooms,
- plus a LOT more
Those are just a few that came to mind while typing, so it will be a really cool place for you any cool ideas you would like to be mentioned here, and get full credit? CLICK HERE TO E-MAIL THEM TO ME!
My NewS
My GeCkoS
I currently keep and breed both Leopard(Eublepharis macularius) and Pictus(Paroedura pictus) Geckos... I have 3.2.2(male.female.unknown) Leopard Geckos, and 1.2(male.female) Pictus Geckos.
ReCorD KeePinG
Record keeping is something that most herp keepers do, and basically all breeders do. It is both interesting and helpful, especially in breeding.
Genetics is nearly the most valuable tool to herp breeders, as you can learn how to make very accurate predictions of what the offspring will most likely turn out to be, by studying the parents of the offspring.
HerP RoomS
Herp rooms are used by most herp keepers, make herp keeping fun and easier, and may be arranged a certain way, well designed, creative, big, small, complicated, or basic. Herp rooms are very cool, as you can be more organized with your animals, and design them to the way you feel best.
Here is a very brief showing of how I arranged my herp room :